Sunday, March 6, 2011

Just yesterday, I was helping my deco leader carry her stuff from the lecture theater to her car. I got distracted while I was walking, and turned my head to look at the drama team (they were practicing at the side). And then. I walked into one of those pole things. Like BOOF!

THESE THINGS KEEP HAPPENING TO ME. Luckily. Nobody saw. If they did, they certainly didn't say anything about it.

Today! The girl I sat next to at church introduced herself to me. 10 seconds later, after learning two other people's names (whom I have forgotten), I forgot her name. FAIL. Omigawd. Now I know why I can't make friends. T_T Seriously. Its so bad. I forget their faces. And if I remember their faces, I forget their names. Bah. I need to chant their names like a mantra inside my head and stare at them INTENTLY and commit their faces to my memory (or lack thereof).

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