Sunday, August 22, 2010

You know you're studying too hard when you see sparkly spots float around.

Saturday, August 14, 2010


Rofl. Despicable Me was a nice show. =]

Thursday, August 12, 2010

CAN'T WAIT! =D its out in November or something. Nyahahaa

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Matilda Bay picnic @UWA

I need to stop reaching for my novels and start reaching for my textbooks. Meh. Yes I've gotten back into the habit of reading! (Courtesy of Natalie's Canning college card) hurr.

Last week we had a picnic at Matilda Bay on Sunday @UWA =] cos Curtin was having its open day.

The cell group. =] Yes it is pretty big this round I think.

The Curtin people

We played a couple of games. This was the second. Two guys from each cell. One had to sit on top of the other one, while the one on the ground did push ups.

Dunking Michael Lim into the bay =D

And after that I went to Dome later with Geraldine =D nyak.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Today while walking to school, somebody else stopped and asked me for directions.

I sense a pattern. =.=

Thursday, August 5, 2010

I have so much homework already, its not even funny.

Sigh. I love school. I love school. I love school.

HD this sem. HD this sem. HD this sem.

*continues chanting.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Today was the first day of school! Or rather new semester. Anyway. This morning I deviated from my usual route and decided to walk through Canning to get to school instead. Its probably the longer way to do it but I was hoping I wouldn't run into people who would yell ," NI HAO!" while riding their bicycles and just random people yelling from their cars at me. You get the drift really.

All was going great. Had my mp3 plugged in, walking in stride to the music and yeah, I just felt good about the day and the decision to take the other way round. And then!

"EXCUSE ME! Do you know how to get to Leach Highway?!" says one Chinese lady from a car that just pulled over.

Headbang TTM.

I need a shirt that says, "I DON'T KNOW/STOP ASKING QUESTIONS/GO AWAY/LEAVE ME ALONE" etc etc. Big fat sigh.

Okay so the lady didn't really quite yell out. She spoke in a normal tone, but meh. Theatrics =]
Jeez. I always get hailed down by random people asking me questions/directions etc etc. Meh. Face problem. =.=


And later I went into the wrong class. I love myself.