Friday, December 26, 2008

Booya. Guess who drove back from the basketball court today. Yeah! And I didn't get a single scratch on the car. Hah! . . . . . My brother was yelling and screaming for half the ride. MUAHAHAHA

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Morrigan from Darkstalkers. . . . Maybe it looks better bigger *clicks enlarge
Ah well. I hated doing her lips, and her right eye. . or rather her left. Erase so many times =.=
And Karl, I didn't use the mirror xD

Oh, I did this other one. I won't post it here, but you can check it out if you like.
Last night I dreamt that I was swimming with sharks. And the night before, I dreamt that I was killing zombies/crazy people bumper car style on a ship. Yeaaah.

I think this translates to too much Tomb Raider. Lol.

I feel sleepy. =]

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Comic Fiesta

Today I went for a Comics convention after church. It was fun =D When I got there I was completely lost. As in, I stood there like a moron with my mouth hanging wide open gaping and gawking, being completely amazed. Lol.

I got my Slam Dunk posters (grin), two felt key chains, and some more key chains, and about five buttons. Hee hee hee. There were so many cosplayers. And some of them were just scary. =/

Saturday, December 20, 2008

SC Day One

This was semi frozen raspberry something or other. It was faaaaaannntabulous! lol


Meet my brother the cyclops.

Lol I just liked this shot. Grin

Deck 8

That's my mom's staff's kid in the pool. She's gotten . . . rounder. I was gonna tease her the minute I saw her but, I'll have you know, throughout the entire cruise we were completely tactful and diplomatic. So. We kept our mouths shut. But my parents on the other hand, were not. Shame on you!! And here we were trying hard to control ourselves!

Some salad with goat's cheese. It was. Disgusting. The taste was horrendous

I couldn't quite enjoy my salad because of the goat's cheese. Lol. I was trying to scarf down all the veggies to get rid of the taste.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Drawing on your presents is alot of fun. And by your, I mean everybody =D Wahahaha. Seriously. But the only scary thing is, I can't erase if I make a mistake. So! You should. . pray. That I don't. Lol.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Guess who's back

Hey =D I'm back from the cruise. I'll update more on that later, when I'm freer. =] Haha.

My mom likes this new game called "Priest"

Well, its not exactly a game but yeah.

In the car I told her, "Hey, could you pretend to be the priest, and I'm the guy confessing? And the priest isn't supposed to say anything, or give penance for that matter! Cos I don't do penance."

Then she was "Ooh! okay." Nodding her head and all.

So yeah, I told her what I wanted to say, and she had to shut up and just listen through. Grin. Halfway she tried to interrupt but hey, rules are rules. Haha.

And then. It backfired. =.=

She goes, "NOW YOU BE THE PRIEST!" All glee.

So its my turn to shut up. And she goes, "I like this game!"

Sunday, December 7, 2008

So, Genting was fun =D Grin. So many weird things happened that day.

People came up to me and started talking in Chinese about a caterpillar and then a taxi and then a cable car. Like AHHH! During the entire day, nobody bothered Jaryl or Lerry! Why?! I bet there's a sign over my head that says, "HEY! Ask this girl!"

Okay moving on ><

I got my photo taken with a Japanese woman whom I barely know (which was weird and nice at the same time) ...(hey, she was pretty)
and! I found 50 bucks on the floor by an escalator. NO JOKE!

FIFTY BUCKS MUAHAHAHAHA Okay. Enough of that. =]

Lerry got me Facebook, which in turn, spammed my e-mail account. Wow man.
Thank you Andy for the present!! I love it. I heard you got two blisters on your fingers >< Eeps.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Gaahh somebody get me Tomb Raider Underworld, Legends or Anniversary!!!! T_T I can't find any of them.

My Legends is spoiled, and I'm missing Anniversary and Underworld. So. That's my Christmas wish list. Along with. . .

1. San Francisco coffee
2. Ice cream (preferably Baskin Robbins)
3. Lemonade
4. A Slam Dunk poster (with Mitsui or Sendoh in it *grin)
5. A snowglobe
6. Tomb Raider Underworld T_T (Hey, that new model is hot) LOL

Okay I'm done. Man half of what I want is edible =D Yummy

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Tomb Raider Underworld

So, I finished playing Tomb Raider Legends quite a while back. Unfortunately I couldn't replay the game cos it kept jamming at the bike sequences in the second level. Yeah. Tough luck and a relatively old PS2. So. For the past..hour or so I have been watching the videos instead of doing my work. Greaat.
Wow =.= its been so long since I've been tagged. Ah well =]

1. What is it that bothers you the most?

. . . uhh tough question =.= i can't think of anything right now

2. What is your most favorite thing to do?

drink lemonade

3. What kind of news do you read?

world and sports...i don't suppose comics count =.=

4. What is your ultimate wish?

to have a fountain of neverending lemonade! Muahahaha. . .you asked ><

5. Is there someone in your heart right now?

uhh no

6. Do you believe you can survive without money?

no >< money makes the world go round $_$ muaha

7. Are you afraid of pain?

ya =]

8. What do you feel like doing right now?

eating ice cream

9. If there's someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?


10. What do you want to do right now but you can't?

eat ice cream. . baskin robbins muahaha *drool

11. What is your 6 most passionate thing at this moment?

What? =.= who wrote this question?!

12. What is the thing that will make you think he/she is bad?

having a double standard. Just say what you mean man T_T

13. If you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Ice cream =D lots of flavors ...salmon pate is pretty good too >< gaahh

14. If you had a choice to be rich or happy, which one would you pick?

happy i guess. . but can't i be both *grin?

15. Who are you thinking about now?

popsicle xoxo

16. How do you see yourself in 5 years time?

22 and still kicking xD

17. What do you like about yourself?

. . . what's not to like =D

18. How long did it take you to get over your first love?

uhhh NEXT!

19. Use one word to describe yourself.


Okay i'm done =D muahaha