Saturday, April 30, 2011


SERIOUSLY. How can anyone eat these?! T_T They're like. Too awesome to be eaten. I was screaming and going ADSFLKJDKLNFASNFDN at the screen when my friend showed it to me. The very free lady who made these awesome foods has a website. Annathered

On a side note, OKAMIDEN IS OUTTTT. Oh happiness. =D And I left my DS back home. =.= Previously I left my charger here and brought the DS back. Now its the other way round. But its a good thing I think. If not I'll be even more behind in work. I'll be obsessed in playing Layton and Okamiden and Harvest Moon and what not.

IMO, Layton has got to be the hardest to eat. His face is going, "Eat me!"
PATAPON FTW! I just remembered at CF (can't remember which year), one guy dressed up as a Patapon. And for some reason everybody started stabbing the poor guy with pencils through his costume. I laughed so hard. Cough.

Its chocolateee.

<3! <3! <3! Sigh I want a toy.

And now the super duper epic Shadow of Colossus cheese on toast.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

In a book (The Immortal Prince) there is an Ocean . . .

Which is called Tempura. *headbang. Groan.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Jon Mclaughlin

I was just listening to Backstreet Boys on my iTunes. It was ‘I want it that way’ at that. Maaann. I feel old. Looking back, now it feels like those cliché, pop tween songs. . Carmen Low is going to kill me. (cough).

If anyone asks me what I miss about Malaysia, I’m going to tell them, Lite n’ Easy. I swear. That radio station makes me happy. And after growing up with it for the entire 19 years I’ve been on this earth, you can’t quite part with it. Thank God for online streaming (however faulty and hormonal it may be). The stations here just don’t quite compare =)

ON A RANDOM NOTE. Jon Mclaughlin is awesome. He ranks right up there next to Lifehouse for me =D He does piano pop rock, but these are the slower songs. I’ve been listening to him ever since he sang in Enchanted. Sher I think you’ll like him =) I think the one plus side of being American/being in America is that you can get to watch them in concert T_T. They never tour overseas. The last concert I went to was for the Ten Tenors. I think. THAT WAS AGES AGO. Come to think of it, I’m not even sure if they’re still alive and kicking.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A guy in my class got robbed just the other day. =/ He lives in the same area I do. When he called the police, they came 3 hours later. T_T He pretty much lost everything except his Xbox 360 and his TV. I know right! The thieves took four laptops but didn’t take the Xbox. And apparently when the policeman saw, he laughed and pointed out that they didn’t take it cos it wasn’t a PS3. Anyways =/ all his work is gone, assignments and stuff. They even took his hardcopies i.e. layout pads. And we’re like, “WHAT WOULD THEY NEED THAT FOR?!” And all of us kind of diverted from the lesson and started talking about robberies in Bentley. Ahaha. The forensics person was pretty . . . well. Imagine this, the forensic’s right hand is gloved, and the left not. She/he picks up evidence w/ his/her left hand and goes, “No I definitely don’t see any fingerprints on this. Yeap.” My. Gawd. Example number two. He/she wipes ungloved hand across table and uses gloved hand to shine the beam. Aren’t they just getting rid of the evidence? =/ Meh.

Our teacher told us she had this student that got robbed at knifepoint. Like. The girl went to bed with her window open (cos it was summer and 40 degrees) and then this Aboriginal woman breaks into her room. She pretends to be sleeping and sort of peeks through her eyelids (they’re sorta closed but you can still see kind of thing) and yeah. The woman just held a knife to her throat for five minutes. Somehow (don’t know the details) the girl managed to run to the kitchen and get a knife and chase the woman out of her house, slashing the Aboriginal woman’s hand in the process. And we’re thinking, great! She scared her off! Then we’re told that the Aboriginal woman proceeds to file a report for assault. So. The girl had to pay. Like. WHAT? WE PROTECT THIEVES AND ROBBERS NOW? Okay. I know I shouldn’t be surprised. Cos it happens in America, and that the law isn’t perfect. But SERIOUSLY. Like WHAT?! ITS INFURIATING.

So I reckon I’ll just sit there like a D.I.D. (damsel in distress) waiting for the robber to do me serious bodily harm before picking up my baseball bat and smashing him in the nuts. There’s a law that you can’t harm anyone on your property if they don’t live with you (or some such). Then the policeman said, to just let the robbers take everything, telling them not to hurt you, and once they got out of your house, you could give chase. On a random note, you can’t attack them if they have a lower grade weapon than you do. E.g. I have a knife, they have a baseball bat, I’ll get charged.

OH. Today while I was walking to school I passed by this blue house (part of my normal route). Its alarm was going off. All this while I thought, nobody in hell is gonna rob that house. Cos. They have this shit scary skeleton that peeks from behind the curtain. Like when you have your curtains drawn and you pull it back a little just to look outside kind-of-pose. And no it is not the sterile looking tame skeleton that we have in biology labs. IT WAS WOODEN AND IT LOOKED LIKE IT CAME FROM THE JUNGLES OF SOUTH AMERICA OR SOMETHING. Scary shit. Anywaay. The police came and walked around the house. And. That’s all I know. Cos I had to go to school. Haha.

…wow long post.

Our teacher showed this to us in her lecture. Funny stuff! Bet you CBS students don't have as much fun. Grin.

Monday, April 4, 2011

#5 Something in life that gives you balance

What? I’m not sure how to answer that. . . or if I understand the statement entirely. Somehow pilates comes to mind. I mean. The mental image. I’ve never done it, and I don’t think I ever will. Its just. Gay. Which leads us to yoga! (I don’t do it either) Mental image of old people trying to do all those wacky poses. And then suddenly of farts coming out the other end. PFFTTT.

Somehow I keep thinking that I should be thinking of more intellectual things, like politics and religion and current affairs. But the truth of it is that I’m really happy thinking about all this sort of nonsense. And yeah I know that as an adult you should keep informed. But everybody always whines and bitches and looks depressed/worried/angry/or gets fired up when talking about such topics. TBH I guess I should be too but meh. Philosophical and intellectually engaging conversations are great now and then, don’t get me wrong. But I think I shall follow Obi-Wan’s advice and dwell in the here and now thank you very much. . . Or was it Qui-Gon Jinn? Random fact of the day. When I was a kid and I watched Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, I was like, MAN! I WISH QUI-GON JINN WAS MY DAD OR SOMETHING. HE’S AWESOME. As for the reasons, it was either for his parenting/father figure vibe or just so I could learn how to use a light-saber and kill everybody I didn’t like. Hurr. Yes. Stuff like that goes through my head. I can’t believe I’m nineteen *scratches neck. I’m glad to say nothing has changed. Grin.

Okay. Maybe thinking about stuff like that gives me balance. Then again, maybe I don't really think about it. And it just ... pops into my head. Or something. Meh. Good night people.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

#4 Something that is part of your routine that you enjoy

Napping. Like everyday. And then waking up to watch the clouds roll by (when there are clouds). And then lazing on the bed like a cat and soaking up the sunlight. =) I am still begging God to let me grow another inch (however unlikely this may be) so I sleep (also because I am sleepy and enjoy the act of sleeping).

Waking up before everybody else (this is only applicable in Australia, not in Malaysia) since the weather is cool and refreshing and not humid and hot. For some reason I take pride in being up the earliest in the house and walking around and turning off all the lights. Heh. Like HAH. I’m saving electricity. Pfft. On a random note, I completely forgot about Earth hour when it was supposed to happen. I mean. I knew about the time on the day itself. But when the hour came to do it, it somehow slipped my mind. Until the next day. Haha. So bad of me.

THE WEATHER WILL GET CONSIDERABLY COOLER ON THURSDAY. It’ll be 31degrees the day before, and it’ll drop to a 22! With rain to boot! And the minimum will be 8 degrees! AUTUMN IS FINALLY HERE. Thank you God. Because none of us can stand 5 months of summer any longer T_T

Continuing where I left off, post waking up early before everybody else, I enjoy having a cup of coffee early in the morning just enjoying that kind of stillness and get a faraway look on my face.


Its just me stoning. And being content. Before attending class T_T and coming home depressed at the workload I have to finish. And all the stoning done after that is due to depression.

Friday, April 1, 2011

My face. When I found out I needed to do a flyer for the church. And that I only had until Friday/Saturday. I got told yesterday evening. While simultaneously working on another flyer. And throw in lots of homework for good measure. T_T Will I go to hell if I skewer everybody on the committee with forks in my mind? I want a holiday. Sigh. I need to learn how to meditate and get counseling for my anger management problems.

Somehow this post feels. . . offensive. I don't think I'm supposed to be complaining about doing work for God. Mmm. =/ No. Actually. I don't mind it. I just wish I wasn't told about it so late. Kayyyy. I'll stop whining and start being productive now. Bye bye Saturday.