Thursday, June 2, 2011

You know what. I can't color a thing in Photoshop to save my life. T_T I get impatient, then frustrated and can't be bothered to make it any prettier afterwards (also I suck). Uhuuuu. You know how some people are so good at stuff and you're in awe. Well! They're so good, its depressing. *weep

Like. I know how I want the picture to look in the end. But I just can't get it to look that way. Bah. If I had a super power. I'd probably be coloring things with my mind, and having it magically come to life, all details fleshed out and beautiful, no fuss whatsoever.

... But I suppose that isn't quite as fulfilling.

TBH, I'm impatient at everything. @_@ HOW DID I MAKE IT UNTIL NOW I WONDER.