Friday, May 30, 2008

I have download a new Halloween skin for my limewire. Haha It looks really really nice. Orange and black. Yeah! xD

I am going to Kuantan tomorrow for the weekend. I'll be playing sports while i'm there.
I am still sick.
Hmm. I marathoned on anime again. Yes. I've started watching it lolz after taking a very long hiatus. Sigh =.= Uhh.. . I guess i'll update when i have more to say =D Which will be on. . monday. Lol I'll tell you all how the trip went.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Today was a nice productive day.

I got everything wrong for my music =]
I finished a book (school)
I finished reading a book =D
I ate a lobster (HALLELUYAH!)
I marathoned on anime. No wait. That was yesterday. Ah well
I drew on a bodyglove t-shirt. And didn't destroy it. =D Mom did. Okay fine. I drew a not so symmetrical whiskey bottle on it. But i did great fonts! That was yesterday too =.=

Monday, May 26, 2008



*coughwarharharhar cough

lol and you people can't do anything about it! =D . . well jaryl can. since he knows all my passwords. hahaha =D but the rest of you don't! lolz *grin


I thought the picture was rather silly looking so yeah. xD
We played badminton yesterday at Sher's house. It was really windy. And we all looked like goofs. And Lerry scraped her knee real bad. I made her play. So I feel pretty bad =] And she's going to go to Langkawi. And all that saltwater is gonna sting so bad =D . . wait. I'm not supposed to smile. lolz

Hmm. WE NEED ONE MORE PERSON FOR THE TEAMM! we're one man short! And someone needs to play go-kart! If not we get one less chance at victory. The money is very very tempting. =D money money money $_$ whee

Saturday, May 24, 2008

=D Noah's ark. Nuff said.

Hmm. There's another party being held. And the same bad karaoke. Only this time it was Miley Cyrus songs. Good grief =.= What is this? A party marathon? I hope not.

Temporary relief

I just ate up a Tropicana ice cream. It has brought temporary relief to my sore throat but a whole fit of coughs. Sigh. More harm than good. Never again man.

This was like the last time. Sort of. Except I was in Singapore. And I was down with the cough too. My family and cousins all went for lunch. And my aunt bought cold drinks for all of us. And then I started coughing like crazy in the car on the way back to their house.
"Whoops! I forgot, you're not supposed to take cold drinks when you have a cough. Sorry sorry."

*rubs eyes

the CG people haven't left my house T_T

I wanna sleep. *sniffle

.. . i'm gonna go sleep bleeh

Friday, May 23, 2008

My internet is crazy

yes! its crazy! first it won't load a page and now its WHOOSH WHOOSH WHOOSH! goodness man! I am currently doing something productive =D (to me at least)

My definition of productive is something other than nothing. =D so yeah lolz

Hee and my fingers hurt =D muahahahahhahaa

I'm bored...well not really. There's cell group going on downstairs. The adults are having fun i think. And across the street there's a house that's having a party. The corner house. Earlier it was karaoke. Except only one person was singing. No turns and what not. This little girl was belting out Kelly Clarkson, Rihanna and Celine Dion in 10 different keys. Gosh. I pity her next door neighbor. And we could hear it real loud from where we already were. Lolz Birthday party i think.

Oh. Right now. I sound like the guy from the Fray. Sigh. On the plus side. It sounds good when I sing =D (I'm tone deaf, so yeah.. haha!)


I didn't have math tuition today. And everytime that there's an absence of tuition, I I have no idea what to do with the free time. I'm supposed to be working though =D okay fine! I'll get started on a book later. Wahoo!

Oh random.

The other day we (Karlyn, Lerry, and me) went swimming. And then there was this whole group of kids, both boys and girls. And when I resurfaced, I suddenly heard.

"MOTHER F***ER! YOU SON OF A B****! " followed by delirious laughter.
And a "I wanna F***!!"

like WOAH! O_o! and what's worse is that I think I know that boy. He studies under my tuition teacher. (I was swimming at her apartment) And there were two adults there. Which did nothing. We're talking Primary school here. Yeah. Primary. I think he's not even past Standard 3 to be on the safe side. Goodness man!

Remember how last time if you said the word 'stupid', some angel of a student would say,
"HOR! You said stupid! I'm gonna tell the principal!" (which they often did) and we'd all wind up in trouble? Well yeah. That was when I was nine. Woah man. What are parents doing nowadays?

Thursday, May 22, 2008

I. . have a cough to boot. And some phlegm. Some. Just some. Anyway. I watched American Idol! YEAAHH!! Sighh. One Republic performed! Wahoo!! And I now know why Delaney loves the Jonas Brothers. Gosh. I've heard them sing before but I usually (almost always) never bother to see what they look like. (or any group/ singer i listen to for that matter) (hahaha ><) So I pretty much went, "They look like that?! Woah!" And then followed by a ,"Now I know why."

Anyway. My uncle gave me two frames with pictures of me in it =D yes! MEEEE!! (is egocentric right now) ....(*is still waiting for that dream to be a reality) Man! Thoughtful thoughtful thoughtful. He is cool. And he got the frames himself. He's been getting them and making em for everyone. My hair looks shorter. And I'm pretty sure that picture wasn't taken too long ago.Last week in fact. ... I mean. I don't wanna go and cut it! A new hairstyle is nice but gosh..fidget fidget fidget in the chair man. I used to nod off last time. But i'm better now! =D I don't nod off anymore.

My voice is husky now. Says my mom. I think its the same. Sigh.. Tomorrow is report card day. T_T Die die die die die!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The 11th hour

Yes. I am currently slogging away on my show and tell. Due to a little (okay its rather big) sin called procrastination. And I deserve every little bit of hell i'm feeling right now. I have a sore throat. Tomorrow is my exam cutoff date (I had an extension)
And this woman looks funny!! << Jennifer Susan Walters
With or without the 'S' I can't quite remember. I think with. A.k.a the She-Hulk. Sigghhh

I want coffee. I feel tired...I have homework =.= I didn't study for HG. . Sher is gonna kill me. Mum didn't kill me for my essay scores. Neither did dad..which was nice. Since I'm still breathing and all.

Monday, May 19, 2008

He says, She says

I'm currently working on my show and tell. Gender differences in communication. My goodness man. @_@ Only God is meant to understand women. They say they want this sometimes, they want that another time. whoo. So what do they want?! The truth is. They don't know either. Haha. *runs to hide. =.=

On the plus side, I'm getting better at drawing women. I think. Oh! And apparently I had the Photoshop CS2 and Illustrator CS2 program inside my com the whole time. Haha ..Help. T_T

Sunday, May 18, 2008


YEAAAH WE WON WE WON! I scored the winning shot for the first round! And sher scored a ball for the second round that saved us from losing and graced us with a tie. =D wahooo!! Read the details on Karlyn's blog. I'm gonna freeload off her posts. Haha

Okay initially I was being horribly pessimistic about the whole thing. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that we could actually win.

None of us really played before.
Kayren returned to her old team (If i spelled her name right >< eek)
We were one woman short. *cough DELANEY!!! *kicks her down the Spartan pit.

But heck! Talk about miracles. HAHA!

Oh. I asked Sher whether I passed my essay. . she said she only marked it halfway O_o gaspeth. I ...i think..i should feel scared.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

I haven't updated

Haha. Okay. . Where do I start. Uh. I watched Prince Caspian yesterday. And, it was awesome =D Its got to be my favourite movie so far. Yes. it beats Howl's Moving Castle. . . I think =] I wanna watch it again and again! I shattered Karlyn's dream. Hee. I persuaded my mum to take me again to watch. This time with my family instead. Haha =D I got an Aslan glass from the popcorn combo. Lerry and Karlyn scarfed down pretty much all the food. And I got the glass =D its pretty much win-win.

Okay. Once the movie finished. (which was about 11pm) we went back home and watched Jumper and P.S I love you. (which wasn't a tear jerker. haha!) So we all ended up sleeping at 3 in the morning.

Uhh...I have to go play futsal today. . . against my will. Yeah! I got signed up. By someone else. I think. Its confusing =.= and my dream didn't come true!! Siggh.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The theory

Okay I have this silly little theory I made up. .. It just came to me okay! And because of a crappy internet I haven't been able to upload the picture I drew just for it! Okay =D it finally uploaded. Here we go with the theory. You know how we crack eggs? And then all the yolk and white comes out. Well it works the same way with rainclouds. God cracks/tears (in this case lol) them open. And all the water/yolk/white comes gushing out! Whoo! ....okay . If this silly theory accounts for anything at all, the most it does is show how much I daydream. Haha...Gee. I wonder why I'm slacking. Lkm says I have a very very short attention span for someone so big. Lol. Hee *runs off Sher mayne and lerry called me weird. =D

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


TAdaaaahhh!! This is another one of the pictures. Haha Another one is on Karlyn's blog =] Cute

Anyway! Prince Caspian is coming out! YEAAAHH!! I'm gonna go watch it. And laugh at his odd accent. Okay fine. I like Narnia alot. And Ben Barnes is cool. Perfect British accent. He acted as young Dunstan Thorne in Stardust. Someone thinks he looks better in long hair. So here is *drumroll.


Just click if you wanna make it bigger I guess. Ciao

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy mum's day

I gave my mum the lavender plant yesterday...just in know. If it died. I couldn't post this earlier due to a crappy internet line. haha... =.= Well there you go. Happy mum's day =] Cheers to every woman out there who is a mother, who had to handle screaming children from hell and grumpy husbands returning from work.

I don't know about you. But my mum is my superhero =]. . . sometimes. =D hee okay.. most of the time. She saves me from scoldings and horrid dreary seminars that my dad wants to drag us along to. Amongst other stuff. Isn't it funny how mums never seem to get sick? And when they do, its like a cyclone's hit em. Haha.

Anyway. I really need photoshop or something. Haha...The coloring is coming out horrid. and it might be my scanner. Hee. Okay. It's also my lack of skill. . . and tools

Saturday, May 10, 2008

The nap.

Today I woke up at 8. I usually wake up half an hour later but nevermind. We had to go to my uncle's office and then to church to collect the ping pong table. My uncle seriously rocks. He rocks he rocks he rocks. Sigghh. Anyway, my mom bought "some" plants from him. Some orchids and vines coming out from snail shells and what not.
And we went into his office. And he was talking to us. . or me rather. Telling me stuff and being independent. And about his kids being crooks and all-rounders. Lolz. And . . I yawned in front of him. NOW! I am not being rude. I honestly didn't mean to! But I was just so tired. Just so tired. okay not that tired. But tired enough to yawn every so often. I feel horrid. About the yawning.

I think the frequent waking up thing is coming back. So is the insomnia. And every time it comes back, it comes like a punch. Just keeps hitting harder. I tried to take a nap before I went for basketball today. And. In the end, I was lying down on my bed with my eyes closed and fully awake. I couldn't even drift for a few minutes. Fully awake. It's no fun at all. yeah. . .fully awake for what? 1 hour? or more than that.
Yup. I'm a sad sad person.

The only time I got decent sleep was at ....Peace Haven? Near genting I think. I only woke up 2 or 3 times. . . But that was because I slept at 4 the previous night...probably. I guess. . . hmm.

You know how gravestones always say, Rest In Peace?


Friday, May 9, 2008

mothers day

well mother's day is coming up and all. Sigh. We should have a kid's appreciation day. Gosh lol.

I told my mum about the gift and my happy un-birthday card =]
"look what everyone got for me =D they're so nice!"
"why? you that special meh?" says mum.

ouch. T_T siggghhhh mums went through hell to give birth to apparently it comes along as a God-given right to jab yer child back. like HAH!

Thursday, May 8, 2008


I HATE DRAWING WOMEN! okay so the idea is challenging and fun initially. And then you get to the curves! good grief! hell hath no fury like a woman's curves! gosh! I swear! (whoops...apparently you're not supposed to swear) I say! If you can draw a woman naked and she looks good, then you can draw her in any other way! gosh!

Oh. And we're the only people who can look at other naked people and call it art. If you're anybody else you get called a perv! Lol how odd.

oh random thought. . we wouldn't have zombie movies and what not if everybody just got cremated. *smiles ...i think.


WAHOOO!! yes! I have reached 80 posts! hahaha! Okay its nothing compared to other people xD but yeah. Lkm is currently trying to stab me in all the wrong places, so that i'll survive, and she wants the pleasure of watching me bleed. Why? =] cos I always do math homework last minute. Lolz I am...currently wanting to draw Advanced Wars COs so yeah lol.

My Happy un-birthday

Okay *presses rewind button*

(It is now Wednesday, the uh...7th of May)

I spotted Jo talking to Lkm all hush hush and she was listening and confabulating back. Muaha I used a spelling word *smile I turned around and made a face to Ju.
"They're scheming about your sabo." he grinned. (or something along those lines.)

They burst out laughing. Good grief. So yeah. Lolz Suspicious!
I have been threatening every person I suspect who's gonna sabo me with frogs down their shirts. So yeah.

Okay *presses fast forward.

It is now Thursday =]

Okay so I arrived at school and Sher mayne brings me the lavender I'm gonna pass to my mum for mother's day. yess!! Wahoo! And it only cost me 3.50. ITS THE THOUGHT THAT COUNTS! Anyway, I was staring at Lkm and Jo again suspiciously. Confabulating! And those two are sworn enemies since birth. Har! Well they've made up I suppose. *smile Any...oh wait. . .wait.. I forgot what I wanted to say. Oh yes!
I said they eloped when both of them went missing into the back room

Hee...she's gonna kill me later. So you can get my box jaryl =] as you wished

So anyway. It was break time. And there was only a minute left ( or two) so I went back to my seat. AND! Lo and behold! The card was there! OOH!!! *smiles

So I read it and thought, "gosh how sweet." Happy unbirthday ? =D Jo's handwriting lol. Its recognizable ten miles away! And then I read all the cards, and that made me smile and smile summore. And then Lkm came to sit next to me. And I'm not really sure what happened after that. (yes. . I forget the teeny details >< ) I put the card under my desk and I saw! *gaspeth! An XL-shop plastic bag. GASPETH SUMMORE! YES! The very very expensive shop for collectors.

And I took out the gift. And that, threw me off. A DS YOSHI HOLDER!! GOSHH! and when I pulled it out I went OH MY GOSH! (I didn't have to tell you did i?) and a small printed sticker said there, "SCREAM" OMG MAN!! and ! I started tearing up and then crying. *sob sob* (yes I cannot follow instructions very well apparently) *grin
As if the card wasn't enough, you people have to go and get a present OOH! Man, I feel so utterly thankful for friends like you. And yes, I am a wussie. HAH! I admitted it =] ..which apparently doesn't make me feel any better. Ah well.

And I went to the back room so I wouldn't embarass myself any further than I already had. And Lkm followed me and handed me tissues *smile and after a while Sher came in and saw me sniffing. And then proceeded to hug me and call me a wussie. Which made me sniff more. ahem! =] We shall not dwell on such thoughts. ooh Jaryl came in too. . although I can't remember whether it was before or after Sher did. Ahhh! And then he told us to get back to class as soon as we could lolz! Gosh.

haha so yeah. THANK YOU EVERYONE! I am . Eternally grateful for you guys. and I don't know what I did to deserve it all . thank you thank you thank you eyes felt very dry the rest of the day lol

OOH! And thank you sher sher for helping with spelling. I got it all correct *grin

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Due to dislikes of my octopus, I have changed it to a whale. (Don't you people complain!!) (or I shall change it back to the octopus) =P


oh. . random. There was alot of talk about parenting and relationships and what not today. I think its like sand in your palm. That if you held on to it too tightly and crushed it into your fist, it'll just slip through your fingers. *sneeze . .. okay fine. I might've gotten that off a poster I saw. =]

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

MUAWAHAHA *cough cough

I have finished sticking the cut up bits of Starbucks pamplet paper on my folder. Haha. Now. . . I should probably start studying. JOY!

Oh. If you people try to sabo me, I will buy pet frogs, and I will stuff them down your shirts! I hope all your t-shirts are tight!! HAH!

I love octopuses.

Enough said =D

-is currently cutting up a Starbucks pamplet to stick on a folder. Muaha Die starbucks! *goes crazy

Monday, May 5, 2008

November 12

OKAY!! so there have been rumors of my upcoming sabo. And I have heard things of chicken feet and soya sauce. WHAT are you planning to do to me?! *cough In payback to *cough lkm's sabo. Well! It was done in love! And she plagiarized that off me. Apparently my sabo is being done in love too. Har har. Deeelightful. Hmmz. . . oh! And she asked me why i like to get saboed. Well. I'll tell ya =D Its because all of everybody's attention will be focused solely on me for 5 minutes =D muahaha. And everyone will be planning, and scheming, and fretting over me. =] Lolz. And Lkm says that I am a peacock in disguise. I. . .should probably retake that test. Haha. . . Anyway. I. Shall. Be. READY! MUAHAHA

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Salmon and scambled eggs

Yeahh!! I cooked Salmon and scrambled eggs for everyone for breakfast today. It was good! =D I think I like cooking very much. muahahahaha. (you can put poison in the food and nobody would know *wink)

Saturday, May 3, 2008


I cooked!! Aglio Olio spaghetti. And it turned out nice. It was edible. YES! Except my mom put too much salt and it turned out a wee bit too salty. But that's her fault. The rest of the stuff I did =] YEAAAAHHH!! Take that! wahoo!

Its a curse. . . =.=

1. What is your favorite food?

Salmon.Ice cream. Lemonade.

2. Have you given your first kiss away?


3. If you were to be stranded on a desert island, who are the 3 blog buddies you would take with you?

Lerry. Karlyn. Jaryl.

4. Where is the place that you want to go the most?

Anywhere with nice scenery. Hee hee (brings the camera*) Fine. Australia I guess. I'm not specific ><

5. If you can have 1 dream to come true, what would it be?

I have lots of dreams. I want to be rich, rich, rich, and rich. . . .I'll settle for the "I'm an emperor for the day dream." In which I am the emperor for the day, and everyone else has to dress up in togas, and fan me, and feed me grapes, while i enjoy myself by the poolside in a lounge chair. I'll have a whole crowd behind me worshipping me. .if that isn't too much.

6. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?

Nope. I don't want the rain to end. And the rainbow doesn't come out half the time anyway!!

7. What are you afraid to lose the most now?

Uh. . . everything? ><

9. If you meet someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?

No. Let him do the confessing. (I'm a wussie)=]

10. List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you.

She's funny (half the time)
She's smart (giggle)
She's very coordinated (she's a klutz)

11. What's the one thing you like about yourself?

Uh. I like. . . . I like. . . . .my fingers. Muaha. . =.=

12. Which type of person do you hate the most?

Uh. Hippos?

13. What is your ambition?

To be rich rich rich. And be an animator.

14. If you have fault, would you rather the people around you point out to you or would you rather they keep quiet?

Sure, point it out. But nicely.

15. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?

Music and art.

16. Are you a shopaholic or not?

I think I am. I do tend to overspend. . . when I should be saving.

17. Find a word to describe the person who tagged you.

STOP TAGGING MEEEE!!! HAH! 3 words. =]

18. What will you do when someone faints in front of you?

. . . depends on who it is. If I don't like the fellow I'd give him a good kick. Or pour freezing water over him or something or other. If I do care about the person who fainted, then I'd suppose i'd start panicking.

19. What makes you different?

. . .the stupid facial expressions and always changing voice tone.

20. When is your birthday?

. . .november 12.

21. Lastly, who are the people you wish to tag?

No one!! I'll spare everyone the horror from doing it. (besides, you fellows already got tagged by lerida. . (shoot her!!))

Friday, May 2, 2008

The plan, the scheme, and the whole she-bang. (and the aftermath)

Okay, so here we are, dwelling in the aftermath. Well sort of. The whole plan of the sabo started off in mid-January. Yes! We were planning for that long. And it was the best sabo ever. To me at least. . . Cos I took an active part in it. =D She was the victim! And I was the . . . . agressor! Anyway!

We planned to smother the poor lady with shaving cream all over. And then we had to go through step by step of the whole plan. Various ideas were brought up and then discarded, looking for the perfect fit.

First, we bought the T-shirt for her to wear. And on Monday morning, of April 28th 2008, we put the T-shirt in the back room after school, even while she was still around. She didn't notice!

The next day, we got the majority of the class to sign on it. And I told Jo about the whole plan to take her jacket off by turning off the air-conditioning after lunch on Wednesday (the next day) . And he told me he was looking into the eyes of Satan. . . sigh. Thank you Jo! (not sarcasm) How utterly flattering of you! =D Anyway I practically did no work on that day. I was too preoccupied with getting people to sign the shirt.

On Wednesday, we were going to watch Ironman!! Yeah! Okay, and it was Sabo day and Happy Birthday Day. Lolz So I think none of us gave her presents until the sabo was over. Lolz And the best part is that she didn't expect a thing! Coz no one has ever dared sabo her, for fear of making her royal highness mad. (and start scratching everybody's eyes out)

So, the day before (tuesday) Julian personally requested to Sher to put her on toilet duty. And she did. And. She took off her jacket. And, the air conditioning ploy didn't work. Her jacket didn't come off and the rest of us ended up pretty warm. BAH! Lol
Okay, so once school was over, she took off her jacket and headed to scrub the loo. Then Julian handed me my shaving cream bottle. HAH! Deluxe edition!! Triple the size! Lolz only for me *wink
And he ushered us into the back room.

We were so tense! Well, me and Karlyn were. Everyone else was happy-go-lucky. Lolz They're used to it >< p
We hit her pretty bad xD muahahaa

Well, so the five minutes of saboing was over. And it took us double or more of that time to clean up. But ! It was worth it. So while she went into the toilet, we put a disclaimer on her desk. I wrote it. . but Jo edited it. So it has pretty much his flair all over the paper.

Tag number I can't remember.

Let's go.

1. Do you eat a lot of fast food?


2. Besides your mouth, where is your favorite spot to get kissed?

Doesn't apply to me. I'll stick to squishy hugs.

3. Have you kissed anyone in 2008?

. . . . My toy. and my blanket. But its because I love it so much and that I can't sleep without it.

4. Were you happy when you woke up today?

Uh. I woke up late. Content I suppose.

5. Have you ever streaked?

No. (Streaking is running naked. Possibly in public)

6. Are you an understanding person?

I hope so. You tell me.

7. What was the last movie you saw in theaters?

Iron man. And I want to watch it again.

8. Did you pray before you went to bed last night?

I forget. . . .lots of times.

9. What did you last get upset about?

Uh. That I totally murdered Candle in the Wind on the piano. By Elton John. I think. But I don't like him eitherways.

10. Do you eat candy on daily basis?

nope. Much less junk food.

11. Does it make you happy to get letters in the mail?

Yeah. . unless its from the optician or something or other.

12. Who was the last person to text you?

Karlyn. . . maybe it was sher mayne. . or kah mern. I forget. Lolz

13. What are you looking forward to this summer?

Its summer all year round. . . So yeah Lots of rain during the weekdays, or cloudy/windy weather. And sun in the weekends so I can look like a lobster after swimming. =D

14. Who was the last person you ate with?


15. Do raisins belong in cookies?

No. Choc chips do.

16. What's your screen name?

I'm an oxymoron!! wahoo! XD (muahahhaaa)

17. Walking into a party, what's the first thing you notice?

The decor. . . . and then the food.

18. Are you currently taking a science class in school?

Well. . . no. I skip.

19. You've just won a free vacation to either South America or North Korea?

I.. . .think i'd pass on the free vacation to someone else.

20. Kiss on the first date?

uh . no.

21. Would you rather have chicken or steak?

Steak!! MUAHHAAA medium well done =] Juicy.

22. Why did your last relationship end?

Uh. I'm cool with everyone =D

23. What's one thing you've learned?

To bring a towel the next time I sabo anyone. Coz the victims don't prepare for that.

24. Who was the last person you took a picture of?

Uhmz. . .me. I think. I think i took a picture of my shoes. Back when I was in Aussie.

25. How often do you see your exes?

I see the ex-shoes i wear everyday. haha (lame)

26. Who was the last baby you held?

I can't remember if i held any. I'm scared to hold babies. In case they drop you know. And their mother's are lionnesses.

27. Would you ever donate blood?

Hmmz. Having a pointy little silver stick stuck into my flesh and watching my life-fluid flow from me? Lol Sure why not.

28. How many snack machines are in your school?

A few. The fridge is one of em. There's snack machines everywhere. You could take the kiddies lunches. Or take the kiddies (zombie mode blaarrrggghhh!)

29. Have you ever felt replaced?

Well yeah. Everyone feels that way sometimes i guess. AND ITS SAD!

30. Are there deer heads covering any walls in your house?


31. Do you believe in karma?

uh no. But it sounds nice to believe in.

32. Have you ever been asked out?


33. Are you good at telling jokes?

Maybe. Wink* Okay fine. Its my stupid facial expressions that makes everybody crack up. But I did like that En garde! Touche! and Ole! thing I did. ( i said ole!)
lolz it totally threw sher off.

34. Have you ever driven without a license?

Yes. Yes I have.

In a go-kart.


35. How is your ex-boyfriend/ex-girlfriend doing?

Don't have one. Doesn't count!

36. Do you wish you had smaller feet?

No. Then the rest of me would look bigger.

37. Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex?

Yeah. Jaja!! Muahaha! (jaryl)

38. When ordering sushi, what do you get?


39. How many of your friends have seen you naked?

Uh. .. let me think. Two? Kids bathe together. Its FINE!

40. Do you write in cursive or in print?


41. Would you rather have a boyfriend/girlfriend, or friends with benefits?

WHATEVER LA! BEST FRIENDS! More the merrier! But then it wouldn't be so special anymore. . . gaah @_@

42. Who was the last person you sat next to?

Uh my dad and Cristy

43. What were you doing at 10 am?

Studying for the HG self-test I so desperately failed.

44. Are you different now than you were six months ago?

YES! I am now. . . how old am I again? Well I am one year older!

45. What was the last beverage you spilled on yourself?

I can't remember. I'm not horribly clumsy. Unlike *cough cough


Now I'm tagging my workers

Sher mayne
. . . . . uhm. . . uh. . I NEED MORE WORKERS!!

boss out. XOXO MUAHAHA