Friday, May 23, 2008


I didn't have math tuition today. And everytime that there's an absence of tuition, I I have no idea what to do with the free time. I'm supposed to be working though =D okay fine! I'll get started on a book later. Wahoo!

Oh random.

The other day we (Karlyn, Lerry, and me) went swimming. And then there was this whole group of kids, both boys and girls. And when I resurfaced, I suddenly heard.

"MOTHER F***ER! YOU SON OF A B****! " followed by delirious laughter.
And a "I wanna F***!!"

like WOAH! O_o! and what's worse is that I think I know that boy. He studies under my tuition teacher. (I was swimming at her apartment) And there were two adults there. Which did nothing. We're talking Primary school here. Yeah. Primary. I think he's not even past Standard 3 to be on the safe side. Goodness man!

Remember how last time if you said the word 'stupid', some angel of a student would say,
"HOR! You said stupid! I'm gonna tell the principal!" (which they often did) and we'd all wind up in trouble? Well yeah. That was when I was nine. Woah man. What are parents doing nowadays?

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