Sunday, March 13, 2011

#1 - Something you're looking forward to this year

This year. . . I'm looking forward to surviving the entire two semesters of second year and getting above 75% T_T and seeing my cousins. Some people have brother/sister complexes. But I have a cousin complex. Nyah.

Uni students slog through the night to get work done. In the past, I always thought it was made up just to scare kids. Apparently. Its not. =.= I mean. Not that I do it. I value my sleep too much for that. But the workload is friggin terrible. T_T HAVE THESE PEOPLE NO LIVES? SO MUCH SO THAT THEY DERIVE THEIR ENTERTAINMENT FROM OUR SUFFERING?! BOMBARDING US WITH POINTLESS EXERCISES e.g. Trace this sentence in serif and sans-serif in 72pt "Jelly-like above the high wire, 6 quaking Pachyderms kept the climax of the extravaganza in a dazzling state of flux."

We have to do that. OVER AND OVER. IT TAKES ONE HOUR JUST TO DO IT ONCE. (You know its bad when you've got the sentence already memorized) So ya. Sob sob. Dear God T_T just let the world end now.

Also. I am looking forward to winter. It may be technically autumn, but it is still 35 degrees. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PERTH. EVERYWHERE ELSE IS COOLER. *rant rant rant.

On a random note, my lecturers/people from the art department wear pink sunglasses, have bleached hair, and sport a fuchschia? (meh, don't know how to spell it) jacket which reminds me of Elton John. They also almost always wear black, have mohawks, sport tattoos, and are chain smokers. They also burn incense in the offices to cover up their smelly farts. (Just joking)...(about the fart bit)..(maybe. You never know underneath all that smell)

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