Tuesday, March 15, 2011

#2 Something you regret not having done last year

Hrmmm. Right now, the only thing that comes to mind is that “I should have gone to the beach more.” Looking back at last year, I think I had tons more time to kick back and relax. But I’ll probably say the same thing next year. I guess I just need to make the time =D My housemate has an unused, unloved PS3 which collects dust, SERIOUSLY. So I shower it with love and make time for it two or three times a week. =) Heh. And even proceeded to borrow games from her friend =.= Its bad of me. I know. HER FRIEND ALSO HAS AN UNUSED SWIMMING POOL AT HIS HOUSE. OMIGAWDD. *cough

Another thing I regret is not cooking like I said I would when I got back from Perth. I’m just too lazy. And I’m content about it. So yaaa. But when I come back this time I’ll really try to T_T. Hopefully. OH I WANT TO GET AN ICE CREAM MAKER! They’re like 200 bucks from Jusco or something. …But probably after seeing how they’re made and what goes in it, I’ll probably never want to eat ice cream ever again. Its like carrot cake. I know how its made and what goes in. SO I NEVER EAT IT. Its like staring at a heart attack. BUT I do delight in watching everyone else eat it. And then proceed to smile devilishly inside my head. *imagine that (you should be shuddering)

Oh! And I wanted to play the piano more. And actually learn to play the guitar. It is a white elephant in my room. Absolute fail. Oh discipline how I struggle with thee.

On a side note, today I swapped cooking dinner w/ my housemate. I’m supposed to cook on Thursday, but decided to do it today. NOW! There is a perfectly good reason for my …what’s the word…DELIGHTFULLY REMARKABLE PRAISEWORTHY BEHAVIOR. Back to the story. I went grocery shopping w/ a housemate (not the same one) and bought hor fun noodles. So I thought, ”Great! I’ll make my dad’s hor fun and blow their minds off (or some such thing)” While at the shop, I asked the lady for the noodles, after giving me directions, I grabbed em out of the fridge, stared at the expiry date at the back. It said 11th of March 2011. I went hnn. (CLEARLY somebody here doesn’t realize what date it is) SO after paying for my purchase at the counter, the lady asked me if I could speak Cantonese (in Cantonese) to which I replied, “A little” (in Cantonese, wanting to look good in front of my housemate, even if it was just for a little bit) AND THEN SHE PROCEEDED TO BARRAGE ME IN THE ART OF HOR FUN NOODLE MAKING/INSTRUCTIONS. At which I stared at her point-blank with my ABSOLUTE BEST POKER FACE ON. And pretended to understand every single thing she said. And then coolly and collectedly walked out of the shop. Then I prodded my housemate and went, “What did she say?” with possibly the stupidest look on my face. PLAN FAILLLL. So kids. The lesson is DON’T SHOW OFF (or if you do, at least get it right). So much for dignity.

BUT THE NONSENSE ISN’T OVER JUST YET! There is more to this entertaining tale! I realized, two days later, that the expiry date was 11th of March. And I bought the noodles on the 12th. DAMMIT LA. BLURNESS FAIL. I’M GONNA STRIKE THAT OFF THE LIST COS TRYING TO BE UNBLUR - ITS JUST DAMN UNACHEIVABLE.


Lerida Looi said...

HAHAHA. THIS IS THE FUNNIEST POST YOU'VE WRITTEN TO DATE. GOOD JOB. I lol'd especially hard at your epic-Cantonese-fail episode, because I can just imagine the look on your face. Too cute! Also, just for the record-


Mizunaga said...


Karlyn Leong said...

I know why I keep you around now!!

Because you don't make me feel so bad about being a banana!


When you come back, we shall converse in Cantonese, and become elite speakers yes?

Mishie said...

@Lerry HAHA Thanks! I knowww. It is super fail.

@Jaryl YA. Now I'm making other people eat expired food too. BE AFRAID. =D

@Karl OI. I thought you kept me around for my devilish charm. (and carrot cake) AHAHA We'll both be bumbling around unintelligibly i tell you!