Monday, April 14, 2008

I'M BACK!~ whoo!!

I just got back from Australia. =D I had a helluva good time there. Especially loved the weather and the clear sky. Not a cloud in sight! Which means at night time, you can see lots more stars than here, and the moon appears a lot more clear. I saw Orion's belt! Oh! And I met Jo's cousins and relatives, and my dad's friends. They're all real friendly. Well, generally everyone in Australia is friendly.

Aussie! Aussie! Aussie!
Oui! Oui! Oui!

Whee xD

Oh! There were no mosquitos! Absolutely none!! What a delight! Hmmz I took lots of photos! But there's more of scenery than there is of people. Particularly me. *smile

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