Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Doodles xD

I got bored just now...so I took my cellphone and doodled on it...in permanent marker...yeah... LOL seriously! xD It looks...okay I guess haha! I didn't put my 100% into it...since its such a crappy cover...and nobody would care if it was made even crappier later on. Haha. But ah well~ Too late for regrets now anyhows. Oh...and my mp3 is hanging....yup. It just isn't responding...is it me or are the recent events just plain crappy? =.='' Let's recap shall we? *grin First off, I get trojan...yup my new pet horse. Lolz You know what I mean. I go to Singapore and this lady pushes her trolley without looking and it scrapes my heel..So yeah..

Bloody xD HAHA >>> Okay...but not that bloody xD
Music class today was crappy...but that was my fault. I did my homework last minute and ... uh..didn't practice. =.= The songs were icky..and besides...if I practice my parents will come complaining to me...that either the songs are absolutely horrible or my skills are severely lacking...(which is usually the latter) so today music class took one hour instead of the usual 45 minutes T_T ahhh...I need to practice more melodious songs...easy ones too hopefully xD

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