Friday, July 20, 2007


Oh man! Where do I start?! Lolz so much has been happening. Okay, let's start with Tuesday.

After school I had to head back home for music class. Lol. I didn't finish up my homework (which is pretty usual) and well I didn't really practice either...but the latter is totally justifiable! One of the songs was totally without a melody. Yeah, its one of those songs where its supposed to be performed by an orchestra instead of a piano solo. It just sounds weird alone..(or its just my lousy playing...its probably the latter) Haha~ Anyway after music class was Lerry's BBQ~ Yeah! I had so much fun!~ THANKS LERRY for the great time XD haha~ I had lots of fun =D The dunking, screaming, dancing, cooking, drinking booze (HAHA c'mon I kid xD) and heck knows what else, was lots of fun =D It'll be forever in my memory xD (unless I forget) LOL

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