Sunday, July 22, 2007

Camp Day 2~

After breakfast was devotion, well that went okay I guess. I asked Jenn Ming to help me out, and everyone gave their views on the discussed topic. Lol. After we finished out devotion we all talked and planned on how to do the skit. Sandra had an idea, so we just went with that. =] Stewardship to our bodies~ lol Let's move on~ =D

We headed back to our rooms to change to shoes. Those were still soaking wet from the drenching yesterday. Yeah...lolz but I guess it wasn't really noticeable later on. We walked down the hill and towards the obstacle course and started the warm up exercises. Lol those were fun. Although the guy kept making us redo the jumping up and down clapping thing over and over >< I was responsible for one of em. (AHHH! don't kill me T_T) lolz Well, we finally all got it right when we reached 30 counts. We started from 10 and he kept adding 5 more for every wrong move any of us made. Lolz. We don't sound very coodinated now don't we. By the time we went through the obstacle courses it was about lunchtime. (I elaborated more, but heck it got deleted...and I'm frustrated and lazy so there ya have it =.=)

After lunch we discussed our skit and ran through it. At 2pm we headed down back to the obstacle course area for water rafting. Well, sort of. We built our own rafts, that was hard and fun. Lolz (again..I elaborated..but it got deleted T_T)Ours pretty much sank lolz. So we took it apart and pretty much gave up till Brandon said we should build it again. So we did. THANKS group 2 for helping T_T so grateful. Lolz Our raft really looked great at the end =D real sturdy. HAHA! And it didn't sink! Yessshhh T_TA few of us got on and rowed about in the water. Man, the feeling of satisfaction at the end was all worth it. Even though we only got to go on one round. Then we engaged in a lil' splash war with Sam and his group xD

After that we pretty much headed back and bathed. We didn't have much time left, so we headed to dinner and after that immediately ran through our skit again one last time. mom and pops came for dinner and stayed till 10pm. They came with the chicken and the fruits. Hats off to them whoo. ...Moving on! After a last run through we headed for night session. We started off with a game. Yeah, Jyan gen bon (O_o something like that right?) except this time we used our hands instead of our heads. You know what I mean. Lolz, that was fun. Although using our heads would have been easier since it wouldn't go diagonal and nobody would cheat. Ahh well~ It was still fun =D

After that was our skit, lolz our group went first. Sandra wanted to go first...I didn't really mind either way, and ladeedah =.= we went first! Lolz! So yeah, I didn't know if I shoud've felt happy or sad. Lolz Rach was probably a heck of a lot more nervous than I was...We didn't end up fumbling our lines too much I hope. Lolz! But we sure flopped on the laughing bit! I couldn't stop laughing. So yeah lolz. All the other skits were just plain out AWESOME! YEAH! you guys totally rocked!!~ After that we headed down the hill back where the obstacle course was so have a campfire. It was about 10pm+ I think. Not too sure... ><>eah, we were submerged in darkness except for that bonfire. Lolz it was pretty good to look at, all the embers and sparks going up in the sky. Kind of like those picture perfect moments ya know? It was starting to drizzle abit,so we headed back up for our barbeque. We played the watermelon game during supper. xD That was fun. Loser had to eat the food. Lolz and that ended up to be Joseph most of the time. HAHA But I lost too, and had to wash the dishes as penalty HAHA

Lolz, we got too loud, so we packed up some food to bring back to the pavillion and play. xD I didn't play though, lolz. I stayed in the room and did my math homework (which I didn't manage to finish anyhow =.='') later Andy came over so we did the Brain Teasers together. Lolz, and then Lerry and Rach came in, so we all did it in the end. But yeah, it wasn't finished, but c'mon, at 1am in the morning I don't think anyone's brain is keen on working. Lolz. I went to sleep at that time...sort of a conscious sleep I guess. Trust me, it is pure torture. I could hear every single word being said and yet maintain between sleep and consciousness...horrid T_T But heck, I have insomnia lolz. I woke up and pretty much lost count. Dan came to the room afterwards and they talked till 3am. I think I could sleep after that point. Hmm...Come to think of it I don't really remember waking up after that either. Lolz Okay!~ That's all for day 2. =.= I practically went into day 3 >< haha!~

Oh~ As an after note, somebody went a little crazy with maggi mee hoho xD

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