Thursday, August 7, 2008


Okay. The group thing is just one day from over. But throughout the entire 4 months. . or shall I say two. I learnt alot, and I meant quite a fair bit of lessons. (in random order =D)

I got a glimpse of what the adult world was like. Just a little bit. To have to worry about how the money is gonna come in. And having to put up with others mistakes and accept it as well as my own.

And. I realized. I hated going for sponsors. Because. It was like literally near begging them. Please. Support us. My gosh. You can really tell alot about the heart of a person on how far they're willing to go. I mean. Actions speak so much louder than words. And it really shows.

Family just supports you all the way. (I mean this towards more on the first side of my family) =]

I learned to let go and trust God when I just couldn't handle it anymore. And I did. And alot of the burden was lifted. I contemplated fasting. But concluded it was a silly idea because I would end up fainting. =] I don't do diets! . . Okay. . I do ice cream diets. there. More accurate. Anyway yeah! God helps

I learned how to lead abit more and when to push and shove. Lol especially on the administrative bit. And my gosh. Taking charge is fun and stressful at the same time. I mean. How often to you get to order people around and have them listen to you?

And, I really learned how to appreciate my team. Man. All of this wouldn't be possible if it weren't for you guys. Just lucky for great members I guess =D Hope I wasn't too rough on ya. lol

I guess I learned most of all to just accept mistakes as they come by and learn from them. I think this was the hardest. Because. Before this group project. I had absolutely no idea on how to use photoshop. (just ask jaryl. he has the horror stories) lol. The day the magazines got printed, I realized my complete illiteracy at the program. And i kept beating myself up over it. I had a pretty bad night then. Lol. I probably stayed awake for an hour just thinking about it. It was like, "Why didn't I do better?"
"How on earth could I make those mistakes?"
"It looks like crap! It looks horrible!"
I kept saying that it was okay for a first. But I couldn't really convince myself.

And put those thoughts on loop. Yeah.

So the next day while everyone was rushing to see the magazines. I was hanging back. Really just afraid to look. Then. A few members came up to me, and said it looked great! You deserve a monument!

So. I looked.

And inside I kind of went. Oh. Just like that. Just 'oh' and started flipping through it. Man. What I saw were mistakes. My mistakes. Text too large. Color not right. etc etc
And pretty much proceeded to be depressed the whole day.

Then Sher gave us a pep talk. And I didn't feel quite so bad after that.
Look how far we've come. From just plain schoolkids to more mature schoolkids that know how to manage and run a mag. Its something. It made me realize I was comparing myself to something completely out of my league. From a complete noob at photoshop to a somebody who's beginning to get a handle on it. I mean its not perfect. It might not be good. Heck! It sure might be lousy.

But. It was a great first try.

And. Mom and dad said great effort. So that made me happier abit. I mean. It came from dad.

1 comment:

Pastor Leslie Low said...

Things don't usually work out the way you want it the first time. There's this "trial and error" thing but I still think "on the job training" is still the way to go about it. I learn on the job and I get better and better along the way. It's the JOURNEY that's the interesting part. The end result ... that's just the reward. None of you were experts when u took on the magazine. Fact is ... you took it on. You took a shot and I think it's a pretty good shot. :-0)