Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Easter Camp 2010

Easter camp this year was at Hilarys! =D Which was an awesome improvement from last year at Serpentine (bugs and kangaroo poo) Grin.

The walk towards the beach was scenic =D We had to pass through this whole tunnel of trees. Very woodland sort of feel =D and the way the sunlight filtered through the trees added to that.

Then through a gate and into a tunnel
And out the tunnel towards the beach.

There are more pics =D but those were the nicest. So ya. =D It was fun!
Oooh ooh! I went stargazing on the first night at the beach! Lay down on the sand and everything. I saw shooting stars! (or I think I imagined I did) But it was awesome! You could see ship lights going on and off in the distance. Lying down on my back and staring up at the sky made me feel small =] but in a good way. It really makes you marvel at God. The sky felt like an enormous giant blanket covering you. Sigh. Most contented moment of my life. And there was guitar playing and singing to boot! As background music. It was. Perfect.

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