Saturday, February 23, 2008

What I'd do if i could make the world go round

Okay! Here are some of the things i would do if i could do anything i wanted. If i could you people wouldn't be alive. And we'd all be living in a pretty twisted universe right now. Here we go!

1. Octopuses would fly and goldfish will float in the air.
2. The whole world will have four seasons.
3. All terrorists will be shishkebabed by me.
4. The buildings will all be Greekish.
5. Math will no longer be a subject!
6. School will be in the clouds!
7. Everyday will be a cloudy/windy/gray or sunny combination day.
8. It will rain at night all the time.
9. I'd thunderbolt anyone who crossed me. Or in any part just made me angry. Yeah like Zeus.
10. We'd all be dialing on our palms and talking to our fingers. No more lost phones people!
11. We'll have fishy lanterns! Like a fish bowl. As a Chinese lantern =D
12. Food and gaming consoles would drop from the sky!
13. Frogs will drop from the sky!
14. McDonalds and Kentucky will be obliterated! Fattyness begone!!
15. Tons of stars will be seen throughout the globe! In the sky! (Cos its just cruel that overseas countries enjoy this)
16. Cartoon characters will be real and walking about. ( I'll keep some in my room.)
17. Men will wear quilts and togas for the ladies' amusement.
18. Everyone will ride dragons and unicorns instead of cars and LRTs. =D If you want you can ride chocobos too i guess.
19. Street lights will be candy canes!
20. If there are cars they will be fishbowls!
21. The roads will be crystal clear like glass, with flowing water and fishies underneath
22. Any pollution will be converted to snow =]
23. In casinos, if any gambler loses, a trap door will open up and swallow him. *screams!!
24. Clowns will be sent to Mars. (I hate clowns. . I'm scared of them. *grin)
25. I'd be best friends with the skeleton down at Styx.
26. Halloween will be celebrated worldwide. *This is Halloween! This is halloween! whoo!

Okay I don't wanna think up anymore. So here's 26. Maybe i'll add when i come up with more nonsense i guess.

Friday, February 22, 2008

My day bla bla bla

Okay I'm gonna make a deck of cards. Yeah . lolz My very own cards. All 52 of them . I'm gonna make em Chocobo based theme. So everything in it will come from everyone's favourite little chicken. Once its done. IF it gets done, i'll get it laminated =] and it'll be totally playable. Haha. OKAY! I'll be honest! I don't have enough characters to put on all the cards. I don't know which ones to put and whatnot T_T Help if you have suggestions or anything. So far I've started on the Queen of Hearts. Shiva. Lol I think that one's perfect. Of course now i'm having trouble with her eyes. GEEZ! AAAHHHH And Bahamut is gonna be a king! wahoo. I think. I'm gonna use Leviathan and . . and unicorn and uh slyph and . . chocobo? more i guess. Haha. Okay so what's the coolest part in all this? No one is gonna have this deck in the world except me! YEAH! Ok i'm lame.

Anyway in the mean time =D I love princess peach. The game. Lol My fav princess.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Lion Dance

Today I went to watch the lion's dance at Bangsar Village at 3. We arrived there like 10 minutes earlier, and the show started at 3.15 Okay so they were abit late. But hell! It WAS WORTH IT!!! They were SO AWESOME!! It's gonna be the best I've ever seen in my life so far.
Or at least as far as I can remember! HAH!
LOl The lions somersaulted and stuff! IT WAS AWESOME!!! I wanna see it again!

It's just pumped with energy, (probably due to the loud percussion) BUT STILL!!! AWESOME AWESOME!! I love those drum and cymbal beats. I wanna download em! There were two different kinds of lions. Four lions in total. Two types.

The first set was the usual kind you see. Shiny and all. The second set was all fuzzy and furry. Not as common as the first one. I hope i get to see em next year too!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Happy CNY

Okay I've been lazy to update haha. *cough

Anyway. I had a fun CNY. It was really great while it lasted =D I had no tuition! And my cousins came down. Haha we had a family reunion dinner last week on. . . on. . . I . . . forgot the date. But I just know it was last week. With Uncle Vincent and his family. I gambled and. . . .* drumroll!!!

I LOST LOTS OF MONEY!! WOO HOOO! Which I'm glad to say wasn't all mine! HAHAHAH! My cousins sponsored me to keep playing =D With 5 bucks. Whoo. I lost all of Derek's 5. But I think I managed to come back with a small remainder for Alicia. Which she told us to keep haha.

*presses fast forward.

*presses play

Okay so now I'm with my cousins and we're having breakfast at 11 AM at Aunty Doreen's house. BANG! Everything you could ever wish for in a house. Decorative wise. Its perfect. A pool (looks dirty though *cough) , everything. A beautiful garden yadda yadda. A house from a magazine that you only wish you had. Well she has it. The breakfast was nice I guess. But why'd we have to have it so darn late =.= There was a blueberry cheese cake she took out from the refrigerator right from the beginning. Adeline and I saw it, and wanted to cut it and eat. But I said better not. So in the end, it turns out that Aunty Doreen never cut the damn cake =.= and I'm glad as hell she didn't, cos a fly landed on it. Taunting really. Gets your taste buds going and then bam! Farn it. When she sat next to me to eat, I felt all kinda weird next to her. Real outta place.

I haven't counted what I've got yet. Chances are most of it is gonna end up in the bank. Haha.