Thursday, June 18, 2009

Exams (oh goodie)

Exams are coming up. Oh gosh. I need to get cracking. So much to study, so little time. Anyway! When I get home, I want tooooooo

- hang out at the Swings of truth (jeez that's corny) 
- go ice skating
- watch Transformers
- visit people
- bake cake 
- play the piano
- play sandwich (that hide and seek game in the dark) 
- play Tomb Raider and not be kacau-ed when I'm playing it 
- not be nagged at, which means, CAN'T YOU WAKE UP EARLIER? MAKE YOUR BED! CLEAN YOUR ROOM! DO YOUR HOMEWORK! and etc. 
-expand my cooking skills (cos I actually do enjoy it! Whoo) 
-play ping pong and badminton 

Yeaaaahh. . . visiting my cousins or having them visit me would be awesome. . but heck =.= schedules exist. So no go for that one. Cheers

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