Saturday, November 15, 2008

Don't scroll down till you've read all the text

When you people come see me off at the airport. Don't none of you dare cry in front of me. When my back is turned and I'm walking off, you may then, start crying. The last thing I wanna see before I go is your crying faces.

OK. Fine. The reason is, if you guys start crying and I see you, I too, shall spontaneously burst into tears. Because if I see somebody cry, I'll start crying too. (Even though it has nothing to do with me) So! Don't start. Because crying should be done when you're alone and nobody is looking. Grin. Otherwise, it will cause undue toe wriggling, squirming and awkwardness to the other party. . . which happens to me when I don't spontaneously burst into tears when I see other people cry.

Haha. So yeah. That's it then. See me off with a smile.



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