Sunday, February 27, 2011

School is starting tomorrow. Oh the horror/anxiety/excitement/HORROR of it all. T_T I still find it scary, making new friends. And I think I will continue to find it scary for the rest of my life. I never know what to say. But its probably one of those things. Mmmph. I should probably improve my personality. . . or something. But I'm rather content the way I am =.= Baah.

Anyway! For this semester (saying 'year' would be a bit too far into the future for my liking, so I'll stick with semester)

1. I will do my best T_T (even though I'm an intelligent but lazy as hell person who somehow managed to get through the first year with decent marks) =D

2. Eat less at the school cafeteria (their ham and cheese croissants are wonderful, but when calculating the cost I spent there every week. It. Was horrifying. And therefore. I should reduce/stop altogether)

3. Do devotion and at least remember to pray before I sleep/get up. (The only thing I tell God before I sleep is usually wishing him good night. So that must change. *cough)

4. Be less blur. Although I'm not sure how to improve on this point really. Just now I had a convo with my bro. It went like this.
"So how was school?"
"=.= Its Sunday."

See what I mean. FAIL TTM. After that he proceeded to tell me that the heat has fried my brain.

5. Try not to doze off in church services. TODAY I MANAGED NOT TO AT ALL. I'm incredibly proud of myself. When I was back home, my mom made us wake up at 6 and go to church with her. Somehow I couldn't get any sleep the night before. Suffice to say that immediately after the worship service. I sat down. And after five minutes. I knocked out for the entire duration of the sermon. NO JOKE. It was a very good idea that we sat right at the back in the balcony.

6. Try to learn more recipes. I suppose my housemates have now become the guinea pigs. It would be insanely awesome if they ate my cooking and suddenly transformed into animals/pink unicorns/green dinosaurs/rainbow whales. Or something. Hnn.

7. Try to be less sarcastic/condescending. Sigh. Although we know this won't really change. So I guess we can strike this off the list. Haha. But honestly. I'm content. =.= So it probably won't change. Sorry Karl. Gotta love the evil charm.

8. Read more books I guess. It seems like I didn't do that at all during the past semester. But I got some reading done during the holidays. So that was pretty good. =)

9. Procrastinate less. =) T_T I will work out a study time table or something so I don't freak out nearing assignment deadlines. Second year is allegedly the beginning of hell.

10. Learn a new language ( or something). Hopefully by the time I come back I will be able to hide the fact that I'm a banana more convincingly. FAKE IT TO MAKE IT. (But clearly this probably doesn't work in real life) So meh.

I can't think of any more right now. But I guess those are the main things. =) I need somebody to hold me accountable for these things. Or I will never go through with them.

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