Monday, September 3, 2012

Monday's are generally bad days for me. I have class that starts at 8am and ends at 2pm. No breaks inbetween. So I'm running from one class to the next. And at the end of the afternoon I'll trudge back home weary and hungry. Ahah. Due to (cough!) wonderful time management, I pulled another all nighter (more or less, unless you count an hour of closing your eyes as sleep).

So! My presentation is now over. AND IT WAS WORTH IT. The teacher and friends liked it, and I'm pretty happy with it (considering I did literally everything at the last minute). Everything translates to 3 finalized, fully mocked up shirt designs, swing tags, a logo design, and a promotional poster. All in one night! Hah.

To my utter delight, the morning's lecture was cancelled. :) And now its pouring cats and dogs, and I'm snug and warm at home, coffee in hand and Adele plugged in. I love gloomy weather. It makes me happy...okay I'm now going to bed. =.=

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