Monday, February 22, 2010

The second week of orientation has started. And school will start in the next. Ohh man. =.= Now I'm having doubts about doing the course I'm doing. Maybe I should've just taken up law.

The head of Design and Art gave us a welcome speech (of sorts) today. And he was talking about how well Curtin graduates did, and all the awards they'd won, going out into the international field and kicking butt. Then he went to speak of a proverbial scythe that would cleave through the wannabe's and the actual people who would make it/do well in the field.

Oh dear God, don't let me wind up in the wannabe section @_@ I am so scared. D-a-u-n-t-i-n-g.


Lerida Looi said...

It's okay, Mishie. That will never ever happen! And even IF it did, we can always sell rojak and cendol together and become multi-millionaires from there. :D

Lerida Looi said...
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