Today sucks.
I woke up at 4.30, and slept at 1.
Had to walk to school in the rain.
Found out my allegedly 'waterproof' jacket is not so waterproof after walking for 15 minutes.
Found out the jacket changes from 'waterproof' to 'absorbent'
and that eating breakfast at 5.30am makes you go hungry at 10.45 (or my eating capacity has gotten bigger...neither of which are good things)
found out in an email that staying at home to work for that unit instead of going to school and working on that unit made me miss an assessment. (well yeah. its my fault really. T_T no excuses for that one. KNS TTM)
...AND ITS ONLY 10 IN THE MORNING. and it stopped raining the moment i reached school. WHY.
Worst day of life. Ever. ...also i can't remember the other 'worst days of my life. ' So. This is it. stomach is going to growl loudly in the library now. Huhu.