Monday, April 4, 2011

#5 Something in life that gives you balance

What? I’m not sure how to answer that. . . or if I understand the statement entirely. Somehow pilates comes to mind. I mean. The mental image. I’ve never done it, and I don’t think I ever will. Its just. Gay. Which leads us to yoga! (I don’t do it either) Mental image of old people trying to do all those wacky poses. And then suddenly of farts coming out the other end. PFFTTT.

Somehow I keep thinking that I should be thinking of more intellectual things, like politics and religion and current affairs. But the truth of it is that I’m really happy thinking about all this sort of nonsense. And yeah I know that as an adult you should keep informed. But everybody always whines and bitches and looks depressed/worried/angry/or gets fired up when talking about such topics. TBH I guess I should be too but meh. Philosophical and intellectually engaging conversations are great now and then, don’t get me wrong. But I think I shall follow Obi-Wan’s advice and dwell in the here and now thank you very much. . . Or was it Qui-Gon Jinn? Random fact of the day. When I was a kid and I watched Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, I was like, MAN! I WISH QUI-GON JINN WAS MY DAD OR SOMETHING. HE’S AWESOME. As for the reasons, it was either for his parenting/father figure vibe or just so I could learn how to use a light-saber and kill everybody I didn’t like. Hurr. Yes. Stuff like that goes through my head. I can’t believe I’m nineteen *scratches neck. I’m glad to say nothing has changed. Grin.

Okay. Maybe thinking about stuff like that gives me balance. Then again, maybe I don't really think about it. And it just ... pops into my head. Or something. Meh. Good night people.

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