Friday, January 30, 2009


I went to watch the movie Valkyrie yesterday. It was that or Yes man. I wanted to watch Yes man. But Jo said it wasn't good. So. Ah well. Valkyrie was showing earlier anyhow. =] I love studying history. . . (although it exits my head as soon as I stop reading about it) but! I enjoy it. It's just so rich. I just love reading about people, their deeds, etc. Anyway. . . .

It is based on a true story to assassinate Hitler and basically what unfurls from that decision. I don't have to tell you how the story ends. I think we all know the ending. But there was this bit at the end that really pulled at my heart strings. Okay la. I'll be frank. =.= I'm a wussie and it made tears fall from my eyes. There =]

Should this be counted as a spoiler? =.= Don't read on i suppose?

But I believe it really takes an incredible amount of loyalty and courage to WALK in front of your comrade that's about to be executed, and take the shots with your back toward the soldiers and your eyes towards him. I know its one thing about taking a shot to prevent your pal from getting hurt. But that's just instinct really. And you don't quite think. Just bam! And done. But to walk in front of him and wait for the shots to come is just. Wow. Loyalty seriously touches me . To tears. I really value that. Man. Yeah. I could watch this movie over again and again.

Okay. =] Enough of that. Today I attended my first cell group. Grin. Honestly what I went for was just the food. Hee. But! What I got out of it was alot more than I bargained for. And I'm glad for that. I ended up with my perspectives broadened, my eyes opened ( or at least as open as they can be right now, hee) and a new found respect for people. People that live the word and are living examples of that word. Like compassion. We learned about that. =] What it meant, and the other meaning of actually being that word. Being compassion in action. Ahh its kind of weird if I try to explain. But it was a really good experience. And next time . . I won't be going just for the food. Haha.

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