Monday, November 10, 2008

Lerry Berry Cherry Was Here!

Well, hellooo! Guess who has decided to feature in the 186th post of this awesome the possum blog of octopuses, jellyfishes, shoes, and all things random yet relevant at the same time? ME! Don't ask how I got into her account. It's a long story. Well, not really, but this berry is too lazy to tell. Go ask the sushi, maybe she'd tell you.

Anyway, the reason why I'm here instead of the awesome possum owner (you know who she is) is to let you all know that the human body can store up to 300ml of pee before- as Mishie puts it- "we have to go to the potty." And you know what else she said? "Hey, that's like two cans of coke, right? They're 150ml each!"

(EDIT:Whoops, it looks like they're 300ml each. My bad xD says boss)

So if Mishie is right (and she usually is) then that means that's how much pee sloshes in your bladder before you run all funnily to the toilet to relieve yourself.


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